Sectional Title Overview

Sectional Title – What Does it Mean?

Pine Lake Lifestyle Estate is a Sectional Title development scheme where at least one resident must be over the age of 50 years. 

This means that when buying a Sectional Title unit, you acquire full ownership of your home within a larger development. It also enables you to sell your property on the open market to a willing buyer at its market value. 

The Body Corporate is responsible for the setting of rules for the benefit and protection of the community and your investment.  

Monthly levies are used to cover 24/7 security and maintenance costs and ensure that the estate is kept in tip-top shape, ensuring not only your security, but also general upkeep of the exterior, the gardens in the Common Areas and maintenance of the estate’s facilities as well as maintenance of the generator, reverse-osmosis plant and the sewerage treatment plant. 

We believe a Sectional Title scheme is also beneficial as it allows properties to be purchased as an investment, allowing you the flexibility to rent it out, live in it yourself, sell it, or even bequeath it to your loved ones – thereby allowing you to reap the benefits of your investment.  

Even where you outlive your pension, investments and / or savings, you are able to sell your property and live off of the proceeds of your sale. 

Pine Lake Lifestyle Estate has therefore made the decision to make the estate a Sectional Title development scheme as we believe that this is most beneficial to future homeowners, providing you, with the security of owning your own home and receiving the return you deserve as a property owner.

Sectional Title – What Does it Mean?

Pine Lake Lifestyle Estate is a Sectional Title development scheme where at least one resident must be over the age of 50 years. 

This means that when buying a Sectional Title unit, you acquire full ownership of your home within a larger development. It also enables you to sell your property on the open market to a willing buyer at its market value. 

The Body Corporate is responsible for the setting of rules for the benefit and protection of the community.  

Monthly levies are used to cover 24/7 security and maintenance costs and ensure that the estate is kept in tip-top shape, ensuring not only your security, but also general upkeep of the exterior, the gardens in the Common Areas and maintenance of the estate’s facilities as well as maintenance of the generator, reverse-osmosis plant and the sewerage treatment plant. 

We believe a Sectional Title scheme is also beneficial as it allows properties to be purchased as an investment, allowing you the flexibility to rent it out, live in it yourself, sell it, or even bequeath it to your loved ones – thereby allowing you to reap the benefits of your investment.  

Even where you outlive your pension, investments and / or savings, you are able to sell your property and live off of the proceeds of your sale. 

Pine Lake Lifestyle Estate has therefore made the decision to make the estate a Sectional Title development scheme as we believe that this is most beneficial to future homeowners, providing you, with the security of owning your own home and receiving the return you deserve as a property owner.